Friday, September 28, 2012

Multivitamins for Men

Multivitamins have been for the longest time associated with women and children. The truth however is that there are also multivitamins designed especially for men. The bodies of men also face different kinds of challenges and they will need the multivitamins to stay healthy for longer and properly perform their duties.

The multivitamins for men came packed with different kinds of ingredients which are selected with care to cater for the needs of men. One of the ingredients that is common in the vitamins is lycopene. It is an ingredient known to help in support the health of the prostate. This is a part in the men's body that seems to be giving them problems more frequently. Some have even died of prostate cancer thus making it important to take care of the prostate health and with the right multivitamins, it is quite simple.

Other nutrients are also offered by the multivitamins and so are essential minerals most of which also support the nutritional support. Men basically have the chances of reaping just as many benefits from the multivitamins as women and you will find those taking the vitamins stronger and healthier than those who do not take the vitamins. The multivitamins also play the role of preventing and treating low levels of essential vitamins in the body and can therefore also be used for different kinds of conditions.

The multivitamins for men come in small sized tablets making it easy for them to swallow. They will normally be coated to make them smooth and pleasant and therefore the fear of swallowing big tablets and capsules have been eliminated. They are packaged in small bottles most of which contain supplies for a whole month. With the easy to swallow tablets and the proper packaging, the intake of the multivitamins has definitely been made easier for all.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Health Benefits of Papaya And It's Role In Fighting Cancer and the Immune System

Papaya (PawPaw) is a sweet and succulent fruit found in tropical climates around the world. Its health benefits are many; it is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, lycopene, beta-carotene and other vital nutrients. Many cultures successfully use the leaf, seeds, skin and pulp of this miraculous fruit for various diseases, infections and skin conditions. Today, researchers and scientists throughout the medical community are stepping up the investigation into the health benefits of papaya leaf (pawpaw twig) and the role it plays in fighting cancer, wound care, its anti-inflammatory benefits and how it helps to strengthen the immune system. Groundbreaking studies are showing that the enzymes and other compounds found in the leaves, skin, pulp and seeds of the have a variety of medicinal uses.

The Parts of Papaya That Are Effective

One of the reasons that papaya or paw paw is so unique is that all parts of this fruit, including the leaves, flesh, skin and seeds have nutritional and health benefits. In the tropical areas of the world where papaya is readily available, the consumption and use of papaya for enjoyment and medicinal cures are part of everyday life.

Papaya Leaf Tea: Papaya Leaf Tea reduces inflammation, activates immune system response, and inhibits tumor cell growth through the strengthening of the immune system and increasing the natural anti-tumor effects that occur in immune response.[1] The tea is ideal for individuals that enjoy drinking herbal teas and many find that it has a similar taste to green tea; but it is packed with more nutritional and health benefits.

Papaya Leaf Extract: Papaya leaves are successfully used for Dengue Fever, digestive upset and for treatments of serious illnesses including cancer. Scientific research indicates that papaya leaf extract regulates T-cells and increase the immune system response to cancer.[2] Papaya leaves are not readily available in stores in the United States; a concentrated extract of the leaf is available in both capsules and liquid formulas from the company Herbal Papaya.

Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds are proven effective for eliminating human intestinal parasites without significant side effects.[3] Papaya seed extract capsules have antihelminthic and anti-amoebic properties that kill parasites and intestinal worms throughout the digestive system.

Fermented Papaya: A current clinical trial at Ohio State University is evaluating the benefits of using fermented papaya in diabetic wound healing. Known for its antioxidant properties and protection from oxidative damage; the study centers on determining the angiogenic response of wound sites.[4]

Papaya Flesh: The nutritional benefits gained from the regular consumption of papaya are extraordinary. This nutrient rich fruit aids in digestion, helps to strengthen immune systems, and lessens inflammation in joints and throughout the body. Papain, which is concentrated in papaya, breaks down proteins and aids in digestion. Organic papaya fruit and leaf juice is ideal for individuals that do not have regular access to fresh organic papayas in their area.

Papaya Skin: The skin of the papaya has been used for generations to assist in burns and wound healing by placing it directly on infections and other skin maladies. Additionally, when making smoothies with the papaya flesh, the fruit does not need to be skinned.

Understanding The Immune System

The immune system is a network of organs and cells in the human body that defends against toxins, foreign invaders, and infections. When an invader is detected, the immune system launches a fighting response by producing antibodies. The immune system is made of white blood cells including T-cells and B-cells. T-cells are responsible for coordinating the immune response to destroy infected cells. B-cells on the other hand make the antibodies that bind to invaders to allow the other cells to destroy the invaders. When the T-cells do not send signals to the B-cells, the B-cell is not able to make the antibodies necessary for an attack.

Autoimmune Diseases

When the immune system is not working properly, it can become unable to detect the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells and attack normal healthy cells in error. This results in a variety of autoimmune diseases where the body actually turns against itself causing damage to healthy cells and tissues. It is estimated that nearly 24 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases including Celiac Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Graves Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and many others. [5] Prescription medications for autoimmune diseases often focus on suppressing the immune system's response thereby limiting the natural ability of the immune system to fight off critical invaders including those that fight cancer.

How T-Cells Are Related To Cancer Treatment & Immunotherapy

T-cells cells help our bodies fight infection and attack and destroy invading infectious agents. They are produced in bone marrow and are further developed and matured in the thymus gland. After they become mature, they are found in blood and the lymphatic system. Essentially, T-cells directly influence the natural immune response in suppressing tumors and cancerous cells. A healthy immune system produces T-cells regularly to help fight diseases, infections and cancer causing toxins. The immune system is central to protecting against AIDS, cancer and other diseases of the autoimmune system. Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the natural immune response to wage a war against cancer and other diseases. Today, this is a growing area of cancer treatment that focuses on boosting the immune system so that it can effectively combat foreign invaders including those responsible for cancer. Researchers and scientists at Stanford University's Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy Research Program are working on new strategies to exploit the human body's natural immune response to destroy tumors. These include therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, and cell-based therapies to increase the patient's immune response to attack cancer in their body.

Papaya Increases Regulatory T-Cells

Activated platelets help the immune system's response in inflammatory diseases. Platelets are an integral part of the body's natural inflammatory process and are currently being researched to determine their role in fighting inflammation and improveming T-cell responses. Recent studies in mice show the role of platelets can enhance the antigen presentation, improve T-cell responses and play a critical function in normal immunity.[6] Carica papaya leaf (paw paw twig) extracts can be used to enhance the production of selected blood parameters aiding in tumor cell regulation, according to the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology at the University of Calabar in Nigeria.[7] In addition, researchers have found evidence to support that Carica papaya (paw paw leaf) extracts increase T-cells and help to mediate the body's inflammatory response and potentially alleviate inflammation throughout the body.


Inflammation can occur anywhere in the human body. It is a process caused when the immune system triggers a response to an outside invader or foreign substances. In autoimmune diseases, the system triggers the response when there are no substances to fight off. Symptoms of inflammation include swollen joints, pain, stiffness, and general flu symptoms. Inflammation also can affect internal organs. Ethanolic extract of Carica papaya leaves have been shown to reduce anti-inflammatory activities in the body.[8] By reducing inflammation and increasing T-cell activity, the body is more apt to fight foreign invaders that cause disease.

The Relationship Between Papaya And Cancer

Cancer causing toxins, tumors and other outside invaders are fought off by the immune system. A healthy immune system that has active and healthy T-cells is more able to fight off foreign substances that can lead to cancer and other serious health problems. Additionally, inflammation in the body can cause the immune system to function inadequately thereby increasing the risk for cancer. Carica papaya helps to reduce inflammation, increase healthy T-cell activity thereby encouraging a healthy and active response to cancerous cells in the body. The link between the consumption of papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf tea, and papaya and cancer in general will continue to be researched.

Papaya And Pregnancy

Grown in tropical areas throughout the world, papaya is a luscious and healthful fruit. As mentioned above, the seeds, leaves, flesh and skin all have medicinal qualities. Ripe papaya has not been found to be dangerous to pregnant women or their baby, however, unripe or green papaya early in a pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. In some parts of the world, unripe papaya is used to induce labor. Papain in high amounts from green papayas is believed to jumpstart and strengthens labor contractions, thereby hurrying along the process of labor. There currently is no scientific evidence to support this theory, however, thousands of women across the world standby this practice. It is important to note that medical practitioners recommend that pregnant women during the first two terms of pregnancy avoid unripe or green papaya as the same naturally occurring chemical reactions that can encourage labor can cause a spontaneous miscarriage.

Papaya Products & Better Health

Scientific research indicates that there is a positive relationship between papaya and cancer. Paw paw cell regulation is being researched throughout the world as a potential cure for autoimmune and other serious disorders. Papaya helps to increase the immune system so that the body is able to fight foreign invaders. Unfortunately, most people in North America do not have access to fresh papaya. Pure papaya products available include papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf tea and papaya seed extract in capsule form for individuals that do not have access to the fruit. Papaya leaves are not available in stores; therefore, to receive the health benefits of mentioned above, the extract from the leaves is the only way to receive its benefits. In the United States, you can purchase papaya leaf and juice products manufactured by Herbal Papaya online. Their organic seed extract is also available.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How To Keep Your Body Healthy By Maintaining A Good Balanced Diet


A balanced diet is one of he keys to good health and a long life. Food is needed for two main purposes; to provide the raw materials for growth and repair of the body, and to supply energy to keep the body working. Raw materials for growth come from foods such as meat, fish, and certain vegetables, while energy is supplied by cereals and sweet foods. Although the correct combination of protein and energy-giving food is essential, small qualities of vitamins and minerals are also vital. The traditional foods of people in different parts of the world vary considerably, but any diet which includes adequate supplies of all these nutrients will be healthy. In general, raw or lightly cooked foods are richest in essential vitamins and minerals, many of which are destroyed by long periods of heating.

As well as containing vitamins, fresh fruit and vegetables also contain a lot of fiber, a substance which is not digested but which helps to keep the body's digestive system working efficiently. Estimates have been made for the amounts of various kinds of nutrients the people need to maintain healthy growth and development.

It has been shown that many people in the United States consume a half to a third more energy-giving food than they need. The reason is that may western diets contain too much of the wrong foods. People tend to eat too much processed food, and too many sugary and fatty foods, such as Cakes and Hamburgers. The excess food makes people put on weight, which puts a strain on the heart and blood circulation.

There are three important ingredients in the food you eat; Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. Protein is found in meat, fish, peas, and beans and is needed for building up he body. Tiny quantities of fats are needed by every cell in he body, and may fats are rich in the vitamins A, D, and E. Both fats and carbohydrates, starchy and sugary foods, are a good source of energy. Some carbohydrate foods such as grains, are also high in protein. No one food contains all the essential ingredients for health. What the body needs is plenty of variety. It does not matter if there are some foods a person never eats, because others will contain the same nutrients. Vegetarians do nor eat meat but are perfectly healthy because they can obtain plenty of protein from other sources.